
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Poor Man's Pacifier

E used to be a Binky Baby. She loved her pacifier. From day one she would just suck on that thing, and it made for instant happiness. She required her binky to go to sleep, and it helped her stay calm in the car and grocery store. However, about a month ago, she just stopped taking it. For no apparent reason. She just started spitting it out. We had no idea how to calm her anymore. We had to find completely new strategies, because now, the binky just aggravated her. So we've had to improvise to find new things to entertain her. We've tried toys, books, teething rings, but the most successful things have been the most random of household junk:

Aluminum Foil: While my sister in law was highlighting my hair, E was getting quite fussy, and after she'd refused her doll and a rattle, my sister in law, Emily, handed her a piece of tin foil. INSTANT satisfaction. And a good 15 minutes of peace and quiet until she dropped it. So yes, now, when E is being stinky, I hand her a ball of tin foil. She loves to chew on it. Sounds like it would hurt her tooth, but she loves it. Does this make me a bad mom? Maybe. But it makes my baby a happy baby.

Plastic cups: She loves these red plastic cups that we have. Loves them. If ever I'm eating a meal, and she's getting fussy, and I want to finish eating before she explodes, I hand her an empty, plastic cup. This buys me a minimum of 10 minutes.

TV Remotes: They make great chew toys, and interesting things happen when you bite the buttons! This lasts as long as she can go before she changes the channel on me, and I have to take it away to get back to my show.

Plastic Bags: These are, of course, a no-no. But she sometimes snaps them up for a few seconds before I can stop her, while we're unloading the groceries.

Jewelry: Particularly necklaces. They're like rattles that can't get away! Plus they make delectable chew toys! My necklace often means a minimum of 15 minutes of "reverent" play time during Sacrament Meeting.

Tags: On most of her toys and dolls, E's favorite accessory is the tag. It's so smooth and fun to chew on. Tags equal at least 7 minutes of quiet, happy, play time.

Ribbons: Tags at their very best! Today my mom and I were wrapping Christmas presents, and Elena was sitting on the floor, frantically grabbing every spare bit of paper, trash, and tape. Naturally we kept snatching them away, until, finally she happened upon a long bit of ribbon! Bliss. Pure bliss. Believe it or not, this made for more than an hour's worth of productive mommy time, and happy baby play time. SCORE!

Lastly, Anything Mommy Has at the Moment: this is almost always her favorite toy and greatest need. Notebooks, pens, phones, anything mommy is holding.

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