
Monday, February 28, 2011

Germ Playground: And My Child's Playroom of Choice....

The Bathroom. Our Bathroom. [Yes that is a washer in the bathroom. Dryer is the kitchen. Shut up.] I don't know what secret appeal this room holds for Elena. Perhaps it's the apparently never-ending roll of toilet paper, the porcelain bowl with water [which I have so far succeeded in keeping her from], or the cords from my hair dryer and straightener. Or perhaps daytime makes her reminiscent of her fun night-time baths, and she likes to relive the moments and memories. But I cannot keep her from this room. Seriously. It's ridiculous. She's even learned to open the door if it's not perfectly latched shut.
She saw a window (or "Door" rather) of opportunity, and raced to take advantage. I always know when she's headed for the bathroom because she starts crawling much faster.

The tub makes for good support so she can dance and dance. [aka, squat up and down quickly]

Waving to me. And I think she seems just a bit smug about having gotten to her favorite destination without being intercepted.

And no, we don't normally keep the Toilet Paper unraveled like that. Courtesy of Elena.

The down squat part of the dance....

Friday, January 14, 2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I'm going to be SO CRAFTY!!!!

..... eventually, that is. For Christmas honeyman's parents gave all their married children a sewing machine. I'm sorry. The term "sewing machine" is an insult for what they gave us. "Miracle worker" would be more adequate in my case. This thing is AMAZING! It embroiders for you. Yes that's right - embroiders! And if you want to sew something with buttons? Well all you have to do is put the button in the machine, it measures how big it is, and sews a button hole to fit the button - by itself! AWESOME!!! It has a digital touch screen. And a whole lot of other totally awesome features that I haven't discovered yet because, well, the craft gods know I'm an impostor, so they sabotaged  me.

I was so psyched to get this machine home and start working domestic wonders with it. I planned to take total credit for all of the work the "Miracle Worker Sewing Machine" does by itself, and I was completely ready to not-so-humbly show off my projects and listen to the compliments roll in. I decided to start with something simple, a changing table pad cover. We only have one, and I want another one for when baby poops on the first. So I found a tutorial online (I will share when I have the finished product), got my tools, cute out the fabric, pinned it, and took it to the sewing machine. And the sewing machine... we'll call it Hera. Because it's so amazing it really is a goddess in sewing machine world, but Hera was also a jealous woman, and this machine seems to realize that it got placed with someone who will probably never learn to do all its talents justice. Hera wishes she'd been placed with one of my more apt sisters-in-law. So Hera, frowned on me. My one spool of white thread was faulty. For some reason, it had three loose strings instead of just one, and two of those strings unraveled in the opposite direction of the one, so every time I tried to sew with it, the one string would get caught in the two, and get stuck. 

And that is the end of my experience with Hera. I plan to buy new thread tomorrow, so hopefully I can figure it out after that. Plus, Hera came with free sewing lessons (something that yours truly could desperately use). So I also plan to call tomorrow and set up an appointment. Pictures of my amazing craft conquers to come soon! First I have to figure out how to apologize to Hera.....

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Excuses for Laziness

This post, well it doesn't really have much to do with my life or being a mom, but it's something I have an opinion on - and those of you that know me know that I love  to voice my opinion. :)

The other day while watching the Today Show, there was this woman - a mother - who had made a documentary about education in our country. The entire base of the documentary was that we are asking too much of the kids in the country, and putting too much stress on them. That we should go easier on them and require less. And I was shocked to see the amount of support this film got. Really?! I mean, I'll be the first to admit that there are definitely flaws in our educational system. For example, I have a younger brother called Tanner, but his first name is really Matthew. And his Spanish teacher was failing him because she didn't have any of his assignments. In truth, he'd handed in all of his assignments, but written his name Tanner on the top, instead of Matthew. This woman didn't know my brother at all! She had no idea that Tanner was really Matthew, so she clearly never spoke to him. (I'm also left wondering why she wasn't pondering why she had all these extra assignments for a student she thought she didn't have.) However, I don't think that over-work is a problem in our schools.

I went to High School at a private school in South America. I did eight hours of homework a night. I would take a nap at midnight and have my dad wake me up at 1 so I could get up and finish my homework. However, I was working to graduate a year early, so in order to get all my extra school work done I had to work eight hours a night for my normal work so that I could have eight hours on Saturday for my extra work. And it was stressful, yes. Super stressful. But it prepared me. When I went to college, the work load was so much easier that I was able to get all my work done, work 2-3 jobs at a time, and maintain a B average. In High School, I was still able to hang out with my friends at least two nights a week, I was a member of Modern Music Masters, I took Voice Lessons, I had monthly musical concerts, and I was in several High School Plays. I never felt like I was missing out on a social life. I still went on family vacations, and I still found time for leisure reading. And I never did homework on Sundays. Which leads me to ask, "If I was able to maintain a normal life with an enormous work load, why is it so impossible to believe that American teens can maintain a healthy, active, social life, with an infinitely smaller work load?"

I feel that rather than asking too much of our children, we are asking too little. Our culture is forever getting grief for being lazy - and for good reason. We have such a sense of entitlement and superiority, but we don't really deserve it! I was a nanny for a boy in Italy. Kevin was 14, multi-lingual, and went to school 6 days a week - as did all the other kids in Italy. He still had a healthy social life, he played on a competitive basketball team, and he found plenty of time to watch TV. So if these kids, in other countries, can spend more time in school, and still have a healthy social life, why is it so difficult for our children? I think it's because we've trained them to feel entitled to perfection without any work. We and they feel they should get straight A's while only dedicated a couple hours to homework a week.

In addition, our country's test scores are already awful in comparison with other countries. Do we really feel like teaching our kids less, and requiring less of them will help them in the long run? In this age of easy travel, and international communications, it could only hurt our nation's children to train them even less than we already are. They will be ill-prepared for jobs, or for interacting with their international peers. We will be further isolating them, rather than helping them to branch out and grow.

In an International Test covering Math and Science scores between millions of students in 41 different countries, the following were the results:

In short, the tests showed U.S. fourth-graders performing poorly, middle school students worse. and high school students are unable to compete. By the same criteria used to say we were "average" in elementary school, "we appear to be "near the bottom" at the high school level. People have a tendency to think this picture is  bleak but it doesn't apply to their own school. Chances are, even if your school compares well in SAT scores, it will still be a lightweight on an international scale.
  1. By the time our students are ready to leave high school - ready to enter higher education and the labor force - they are doing so badly with science they are significantly weaker than their peers in other countries.
  2. Our idea of "advanced" is clearly below international standards.
  3. There appears to be a consistent weakness in our teaching performance in physical sciences that becomes magnified over the years. (
One of the arguments of this documentary is a girl who committed suicide because she didn't get an A on a test. Another is kid's who get migraines because of the stress. Perhaps it's our approach? Teaching children that they're better than their international peers, expecting them to be the best, yet also telling them that they shouldn't be expected to work more than they choose. Training them that things should come easy to them. Then being surprised when they don't know how to handle to pressures of working. 

So in short, I don't think we're asking too much of our youth. If they're stressed, let's teach them the value of time-management, stress-management, and hard work. If the educational system is failing, let's re-organize it. Let's require a higher standard of lesson planning and teaching. But if we continue to teach our children that their problems are the fault of others, that it's not fair, and they're just being worked too hard, we're just setting them up to fail. Over and over. 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Craft #1: Hairbows - SO EASY

So we've all seen these. (INSERT PICTURE). They're adorable. And my daughter hardly ever goes without one in her hair. I love playing dress up, and putting pretty flowers in her hair. Luckily, my mom and sister made a lot and gave them to me before E was born. But recently I've realized that she's missing a few colors, which makes it difficult to dress her in those colors, because if you don't have a hair-bow to match, what's the point, really? And while her hair is long enough at 4 months to do a pony on her head, bows are easier. So I made a few. Here's my first tutorial.

You will need: (INSERT PICTURES)
Fake Flowers of your choice
Hot Glue Gun
Rhinestones or buttons for your flower center

 Hairbow Clips

1: Buy a fake flower of your choice at Micheal's, Hobby Lobby, or your craft store of choice. I prefer the ones with lots of layers, and that are wider, instead of the tiny ones for hair-bows. They usually range from about 50 cents to 5 dollars for one. Depends on your flower.

2. Pull/cut off the stem, and pull apart the flower layers. Then stack your layers. Make sure they are askew, so all the petals aren't exactly lined up. I don't use all the layers, but it's up to you. It's your flower!

3. Put a dab of glue between each layer, and glue together.

4. Hot glue your rhinestone or button in the center.

5. On the back of your flower, put a dab of hot glue, and place your metal clip on the glue.

6. Congratulations! You're done! Wasn't that ridiculously easy?! And people sell these things for over $5 each! Clip onto a headband or directly into hair, and enjoy!


How do you cook it?

One day my hubby came home, and said, "I like Tilapia! I had it tonight and it was so good!"

So my ears pricked up, because I'm constantly trying to figure out what to make for dinner. And I bought some Tilapia. And cooked it. And then I cooked it another way. And another way. And another way. And each time, he was polite, said it was good, but he clearly wasn't enamored with it like he had been when he'd eaten it elsewhere. Now, finally tonight, I had a mild success. He was happy with the way it was cooked, and enjoyed it, which I count especially as a victory, because he wasn't feeling well tonight. And things never taste as good when you're feeling sick. So here's how I cooked it tonight, but I want to know your recipes for Tilapia too, because I'm still looking for the recipe that will WOW him.

Place Tilapia fillets on hot skillet (heat on medium-high to high). Fillets may be either frozen or fresh. Let it sear for a couple minutes, then pour some orange juice over the fillets. This un-sticks them from the pan. Add some soy sauce, a small bit of mustard, and a tiny bit of pepper. Stir. (All ingredients are to taste. So just add them until you like the way it tastes.) Cover and continue to cook fillets in this sauce until they're cooked through. Flip them once or twice. They'll be done in a matter of minutes. You may add some corn starch mixed in water to thicken the sauce. Serve over rice. The sauce is great to pour over the rice too. SO easy. And ingredients that almost everyone already has. Awesome right?! So what's your favorite recipe?

Christmas Songs: Yay or Nay?

Now I realize this is a bit controversial, and probably frowned upon, but I do not like Christmas Music in general. People seem to assume that this means I don't love Christmas. But that's not so. I ADORE Christmas. Especially now that I have a child, and get to see Christmas through the new, excited eyes of a child. It's probably my favorite holiday. I love turning on the lights on our tree, and just staring at it. I love looking at the presents under the tree, even though I know that none of them are for me. But I can't wait for my hubby and daughter to open their presents. I'm just so darn excited!!!! But I don't like most Christmas music. I'm sorry people, but new songs are written every day. New number one hits come out once a week. So why tell me why are Christmas songs always the same?!?!?! The only thing that changes are the people who sing them!!! I'm sorry, but after hearing "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" four different times, but 4 different singers, in a two hour period, on the same radio station, I want to shoot myself in the head! However, there is one Christmas song that I will always love. Well, no, that's not true. Some artists can slaughter this song. But this song almost always touches me, and overwhelms me with the Spirit of Christmas, and the sanctity of this holiday.

O Holy Night

Also, I recently discovered (as in yesterday) a new Christmas song. I realize the song isn't new compared to most songs, but in comparison to other Christmas Songs, this one may as well have come out yesterday. And I appreciated this song. I appreciated that it's a new Christmas song, but still reverent, and focuses on the Christ child, who is the reason we celebrate this beautiful time.

A Baby Changes Everything

And lastly, to end this rant against Christmas music, with more Christmas music (I know. Even I don't understand how my mind works) is a beautiful song by Amy Grant. I have always admired Mary, Mother of Jesus. My favorite scripture is Luke 1:37, when the angel comes to tell her that she will be the Mother of hte Son of God, and she asks how this can be, and the angel tells her, "For with God, nothing shall be impossible." I cannot wait to ask Mary one day how she felt, and I often wonder what life was like for her. I would love to hear the Christmas story from her point of view, and I think this song probably accurately describes how Mary was feeling.

Breath of Heaven