
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mommy Lesson #2: Alone Time

So yesterday I had an epiphane. I'd gone to the gym, and my husband had taken our little girl out for awhile. When I got home they still hadn't gotten back. And that's when I realized. "This is the FIRST time I've been home alone in over three months. Because while I may often feel alone. While I may get so deprived of adult conversation that I resort to talking to my three-month old like an adult, and I may often keep the TV running all day, even when I'm not watching just to hear the sound of words instead of babble in my home, I am never really alone. I always have a little, smiling, babbling, wiggling dwarf attached to my hip, arm, breast, something. So to be alone. Actually alone - not pseudo-alone - was pure bliss. It only lasted five minutes. And I'd like to say in those five minutes I just vegged on the couch, or at least that I took a shower that wasn't rushed by a crying baby. But I didn't. I tried to veg on the couch, but I kept seeing things that needed to be picked up. So when this happens again, you know, another three and a half months from now, I'll take advantage of it. I will eat bon bons and watch TV with no worries. Next time....

1 comment:

  1. Yeah the older they get there is even MORE no escaping them. My nieces and nephews will stand outside the bathroom door crying, screaming, and banging on the door until Mom or Dad comes out. They have this 6th sense that knows when Mom or Dad are enjoying just 2 seconds of alone time, even if it's in the bathroom. When my nieces ask where their Mom is, my brother tells them "She ran away." just so they will leave her alone! (It's a joke of course. She'd never run away:)
