
Saturday, October 9, 2010


This morning my daughter woke up at an unearthly hour. Fortunately I'm blessed with an angel of a husband, and he got up with her. When I finally did wake up, I played with my daughter for a little bit, then set her down to go get ready for the gym. I laid her on her back. I went and put in my contacts, and when I came back, she was on her tummy! Hooray! We've been working on this skill for awhile, and she's been rolling over with slight assistance, but this is the first time she's ever done it by herself! Now she won't stop! I'm realizing that life, as we know it, has ended. Goodbye to laying her on the couch while I readjust my clothing after feeding her. So long to leaving her on her changing table for just a quick second while I grab an outfit to put on her (I know. I'm not supposed to do that anyway, so stop judging me.) And farewell to putting her in her swing or bouncer unbuckled. So long. Farewell. And hello to buckling, holding, and careful careful watching. But it's worth it. One of the most wonderful things as a mother is watching your baby grow, and learn new things. Even something as small and simple as rolling over becomes a monumental event, and you can't help but yell and cheer and clap and maybe even choke back a few tears. I have loved watching little E. grow. It truly is miraculous, life. How easy it would have been for God to set us on this Earth, already knowing everything we need to; but it's so beautiful to watch life unfold instead. I love watching every little thing she learns, and her excitement at learning it. Isn't being a mom fun?!

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